
Saturday, 15 November 2014

The post-it note life

If there's one thing I dislike more than anything in life, it's when people lack respect for others. It's the I'm-so-important-so-hurry-the-fuck-up people you see in shops, spitting rude words because, don't you know they've "got somewhere to be!!" or judging someone on their choices because they don't align with yours.

I've heard this concept a few times now, and I have to say it's resonated well in my head. And, it's really quite simple.

You simply imagine that everyone is wearing a post-it note on their head which reads "I want to feel important".

It sounds bizarre, but it works. It's such a simple reminder that everyone has a purpose in life and that we all want to feel recognised and appreciated.

Arguably more importantly, it's about recognising that, while you're special and, yes, you yourself have achieved things, the person sitting next to you has too - even if not in the same path/scale/aspect.

As they say, it takes years to gain respect and reputation, and a matter of minutes to shatter it.

My Saturday morning moral of the story is to take the time to talk to those you normally wouldn't, because I guarantee you'll learn a lot.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Hair-larious memories

There comes a point in life where you realise you're probably not going to become the entrepreneur-come-famous-astronaut who coaches a football team for fun at the weekends whilst juggling eight kiddies at home. No one really wants to give up the dream, but reality has this funny way of slapping you in the face every so often.

And slap me in the face it did. 

So I've had this life changing bottle sitting on my vanity table for the past everrr (c.5 years) because I've been waiting for the day I become cool enough to use it. And today I realised that day's just never coming round. 

The day which will never see my hair is "Platinum purple" blonde hair dye. In defence of my throwback purchase, it was for the times when I used to:
a) be platinum blonde (conveniently), and, 
b) thought looking like I'd dipped my head in a field of lavender would be a suitably cool look.

For those that know me, the juxtaposition between what I'm like and this fantasy purple-haired me I'd concocted in my head, it's similar to the equivalent of wanting to be a hipster whilst listening to opera. The two don't mix.

Try as I might I spent months, maybe a year even, cautiously dipping wisps of  my hair in it to see how it came out, one blue moon at a time. Nothing ever really showed, only I couldn't go through with it.

I'm just not that girl. I like simple things. Neat, chic, orderly. Purple hair doesn't sit in that lifestyle category. I chose then, and still do now, to subject myself to the normalities of hair colour; different shades of blonde, and occasionally - when I feel extra brave - I opt for a shade of brown. Light brown, obviously.

The point is that we all have this secret vision of a different persona we could be. Some are more confident than others to grab their new identity by the balls and throw themselves into it and I really do applaud that. Purple hair, or any wild coloured hair, does indeed suit a lot of people.

I tried. I really did. Alas, I think I'll wait 'til my pensioner years to play with the rinses again.

** N.b. I did once have an ever so slight pink tint added to my blonde, but it faded after two washes to great sighs of relief - what colour clothes to wear?! what style?! what colour lipstick went with the hair and clothes?! - forcefully being cool just took up too much time in my day...