
Wednesday, 29 October 2014


So I could bore you with my life since we last saw each other, or I could let you in on the current goings on in my seriously gripping and totally unpredictably crazy wild life. I'll pick.

I've become an Instagram addict(!)

Once a social media portal I viewed as being pretentious and, quite frankly, overly FOMO-encouraging, I've converted. What was once concisely said in the medium of 140-characters on Twitter, is SO much more appealing summed up in a photo. Words are so last year... unless they're #hashtagged.

The point remains though - I'm hooked. I'm insanely obsessively obsessed over PHOTOS of peoples lives. Famous people, not-so-famous people, weird people, wonderful people, fashion people, the lot.

Gone are the days when people got their kicks out of window watching people from Starbucks. Now, anonymously scrolling through seams of photos is obvs the thing to be doing. Is this normal??

Us Instagrammers though can all sympathise with that awkward moment when the finger scrolling turns into an accidental like on a random's photo. Worse, still, it could be someone you know who doesn't know that you know that they have an Instagram account and then, bam, the love heart glows and you've pretty much done the equivalent of finding out where they live and turning up on their doorstep just to let them know you like the filter on their breakfast shot this morning. 

I think it's safe to say that E-etiquette is yet to be perfected in this crazy world we call life. 

I, for one, am considering a digi-detox. Starting from tomorr...soon.

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